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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Basic Dog Training Techniques

Basic Dog Training Techniques
Every dog owner needs to know five basic dog training techniques which will keep your dog safe and you sane. These commands are the ‘Sit’, “Go Lie Down”, “Down”, “Come” and “Easy”.
The “Sit” and “Down” (or stay) commands are the building blocks of a good dog training technique. Once your dog is trained to do these two commands, you can teach them more but at the very least, you can now live today in some peace.
Dog Training Technique(s ) – How to Stop Your Dog From Jumping on People?
Dogs jump on people as a form of greeting; they’re saying “hello”. Annoying and embarrassing for your for fun for them. Even more annoying for you is when your dog starts sniffing private parts, or licking people etc.
So how do you stop your dog from doing these things? By teaching him to ‘Sit’ and ‘Stay’.  You also need to teach him a word to let him know when he can move again. After you’ve told him to sit or stay. If you don’t do this, he will learn to move when he likes and this will get him to sit/stay for a shorter time each time. This word can be ‘Okay’ or ‘Free’ or whatever you choose.
Teaching Your Dog to Sit and Stay
Sit and Stay are the simplest dog training techniques you can teach your dog. This is what you have to do:
1.       Show your dog a small, bite-sized treat and hold it just a little in front of his eyes, about 2 inches over his head. Don’t place your hand too high, otherwise he will jump up to get the treat and if too low, he won’t sit down!
2.       Say “sit” as you bring your hands above his eyes – when your dog looks up at the treat, he will sit down (naturally)
3.       When he sits, give him the treat and praise him, tell him what a good boy he is etc. BUT DON’T PET HIM! Just tell him he’s good, no petting. If you pet him, he’ll probably get up again but you want him to stay sitting!
4.       If your dog does not sit down on his own, say “Sit” again and physically place your left hand under his tail and behind his knees and your right hand on his chest and then force him into a sit position.
5.       Keep your hands still and count to five, before giving him the treat.
6.       Practice this sit command five times in a row for five days.

Teaching Your Dog to Stay
1.       Sit next to your dog (he’s on your left), both of you should be facing in the same direction (heel position). Attached his leash to his neck (put the ring of his training collar on top of his neck and attach the leash to the dead ring of the collar). Make sure the tension you apply is appropriate for your dog.
2.       For the sit/stay command, use a downward rotation of the left wrist. Maintain tension for a few minutes and then release tension.
3.       Starting in the heal position (the leash has to be on the ring round your dog’s neck), go three feet in front of your dog. Make sure he doesn’t move. Have him stay for one minute.
4.       Now, move about 6 feet forward, to the end of the leash.
5.       Practice these dog training techniques for 2-5 times per week, but make sure boredom does not seep in. For your or your dog.

For more dog training techniques and secrets, please visit  Pet-Supplies-Today.com where you will find more detailed training information.

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